
Out of the womb, I was immersed into the world of production. My Dad, who went from a puppeteer to agency head of production, was a master of his craft and he schooled me right. By 8th grade, I was presenting to my class on how to produce commercials, complete with storyboards and set sketches. While classically trained in the production ethos that creativity and the idea always come first, it’s expanded and evolved to digital & emerging technologies.

I’ve been referred to as a creative maverick, pushing for excellence, new directors, and
producing award winning work for the UN Aids Fund, Nintendo, and the Dairy Council. And then, McCann/Detroit recruited me for their Head of Production to restructure their department and handle their big guns including Buick, GM Corporate, and Pure Michigan.

They say, go big or go home and that’s been my story. On any one project I wrangle no less than 30 cross functional players to bring the project from end to end, snag free, on time and on budget. For some, this would be a hair pulling experience, luckily — I still have all of mine.

I’ve been a co-founder of an integrated hybrid post-production/web design and development company that effectively brought together digital and traditional solutions to tell brand stories.

Today, at Disney, it’s all about elevating and organizing the $20M+ production department of Yellow Shoes, their in-house agency. Thanks to my classic training — I’ve always thought about the values of time and money. If it’s not documented, it’s not a process. Without process, there’s inefficiency. With it, there’s what Bob Iger would describe as the “Power of Magic”